
Separated by a Common Language: “What do you do?”

I was recently reminded of the old adage that we are often separated by a common language!…

Over the weekend, I listened to an episode of Paul Miller’s podcast “The Pathless Path,” featuring Billy Oppenheimer. Billy works as assistant to Ryan Holiday and he shared valuable insights on extracting compelling stories from research, a skill he and Ryan have honed. I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation!

During the discussion, Paul asked Billy about his time in Western Australia, prompting a delightful anecdote. Soon after arriving in Australia, Billy struck up a conversation with a stranger over drinks and asked the usual question: “What do you do?” The stranger’s response was both surprising and enlightening: “Oh, you’re American!” It turns out that asking someone about their occupation isn’t as common in Australia as it is in the US.

This story highlights the cultural nuances of communication and the importance of being aware of them. Sometimes, we must try and learn from our mistakes when our use of a common language doesn’t quite translate.


Billy publishes a weekly newsletter, “Six at 6,” every Sunday evening, featuring six fascinating stories. If you enjoy reading interesting stories, his newsletter is a treat!

Inspiration Living Reflection

Exploring the Seams of Freedom

“All of us have little fissures in our lives that provide us greater than normal moments of freedom. You play the seams when you identify those moments and seize them.”

Neal King (American Ramble)

We often conceive of our lives as following fairly rigid scripts and routines. We wake up, go to work or school, come home, eat dinner, maybe squeeze in some hobbies or time with loved ones, then go to bed and repeat. The cycles feel inescapable, like train tracks laid out before us.

But if we look closer, there are tiny fissures and fault lines running through even the most regimented of daily grinds. Moments where the iron grip of obligation loosens ever so slightly. A traffic jam that makes you late, forcing you to take an alternate route. A cancelled meeting that clears an unexpected hour in your calendar. A power outage that shuts down the office and sends everyone home early. A flat tire that happens at the worst possible time and place – like happened to me yesterday!

These are the seams that Neil King refers to in the quotation. Little rips and tears in the fabric of our routines that create momentary pockets of freedom. Openings where the rules don’t quite apply and we can slip through the cracks of the scheduled order.

The key, as King notes, is to first identify these seams when they occur, and then seize them rather than letting them pass by unnoticed or unremarked upon. It’s about being present enough to your circumstances to recognize when one of these fissures opens up, and then brave enough to diverge from the mapped out path to explore it.

After all, some of life’s greatest adventures and discoveries have happened during these “off script” moments. Yesterday, my conversation with a tow truck driver opened my eyes to the steps he took to fend off a mountain lion attack on a 5 AM run in the dark! I hope I never have to apply his techniques but I did find our conversation about his encounter fascinating!

Of course, these serendipitous detours and unplanned paths are easy to romanticize after the fact, when we know they turned out well. In the moment when the seams first crack open, it can be daunting to jump through them into the unknown. Sometimes we have to but our ingrained instinct is to stick to our set schedule, to get back on course as quickly as possible.

There’s comfort and safety in routines. Seizing those fissures when they present themselves means trading certainty for adventure, the familiarity of a well-worn groove for the risk and exhilaration of going off road into the unknown. It requires being able to quiet that voice of fear inside us that clings to control and embrace one of spontaneity and serendipity in where the detour might lead.

The rewards of following those detours down their winding paths are often worth it. While not every seam we slip through will result in a life-altering event, they allow us to break up the monotony, to experience something different from our repetitive routine, even if just for a little while. Those moments add texture and vibrancy to our days. They’re the asides and ad-libs to the main scripts we follow. Often they provide those special moments we vividly remember and want to share with others.

So keep your eyes peeled for those little fissures and unexpected openings in your routine. Don’t just impatiently wait for life to reset to its default settings once these moments arise. Seize them while you can and see where they lead you. You might just stumble into a beloved new local cafe, or finally muster the courage to start writing, or meet someone who changes your life’s trajectory and opens even more new possibilities.

The seams are there, waiting to be played whenever we’re bold enough to follow their diverging paths. All we have to do is watch for the fissures and be willing to step through into the open spaces of freedom they reveal. Who knows what new experiences and challenges await us on the other side? What new learning might result?

Living Travel

Finding Joy in Unexpected Journeys

Travel. The very word conjures images of pristine beaches, awe-inspiring monuments, and bustling foreign markets. But what happens when reality throws a curveball? When your luggage goes rogue, a guidebook steers you wrong, or the weather throws a tantrum?

Good travel, in its purest form, is about so much more than picture-perfect moments and flawless itineraries. It’s about embracing the unexpected, the messy, the delightful chaos that unfolds when you venture outside your comfort zone. It’s about remaining fiercely optimistic, being open to new experiences, and recognizing that the most valuable souvenir you can bring home isn’t a trinket, but a broader perspective.

Open Yourself Up to the Unexpected

Travel bloggers often paint a picture of perfectly curated trips, where every meal is a masterpiece and every sunrise a Kodak moment. But let’s be honest, those moments are sprinkled with a healthy dose of planning, luck, and maybe even a sprinkle of Photoshop.

The real magic happens when you embrace the unexpected detours. Did you get lost on a hike? Maybe you’ll stumble upon a hidden waterfall or a quaint village untouched by tourists. Did your flight get cancelled? Perhaps fate is giving you the chance to explore a new city you hadn’t considered. Serendipity unlocks so many experiences that will provide lasting memories.

Lost in Translation… But Found in Connection

Language barriers can be daunting, but they can also be gateways to rich cultural experiences. Imagine the heartwarming smile of a shopkeeper who patiently helps you mime your way to the perfect souvenir. Or the camaraderie that blooms when you share a laugh over a botched translation with fellow travelers. If you get desperate don’t hesitate to use the translation features now easily in hand on our smart phones.

The beauty lies in the effort to connect, to bridge the gap with gestures, smiles, and rudimentary phrases. These interactions, though initially frustrating, can forge some of the most memorable moments of your trip.

While doing street photography I’ve had my share of turn downs from individuals who really didn’t want to be photographed. But I’ve also enjoyed some beautiful encounters – especially memorable for me are several on the streets of New York City, a place I expected to be much more difficult but where I had wonderful interactions. The streets of Havana provided many similar opportunities – even without a common language.

Embrace the Fanatical Positivity

Travel isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. There will be delays, frustrations, and moments where you just want to crawl back into bed. That’s when the power of a positive attitude shines.

Instead of dwelling on the negatives, channel your inner optimist. Turn a missed train connection into an opportunity to explore a local cafe. View a downpour as a chance to curl up with a good book in a cozy coffee shop.

A positive attitude is contagious. Your smile can brighten someone’s day, and your laughter can diffuse tension. It can even turn a potentially disastrous situation into a funny anecdote to share back home.

The Greatest Souvenir: A Broader Perspective

Travel exposes you to different cultures, customs, and ways of life. You’ll witness traditions that seem strange, cuisines that challenge your palate, and societal norms that differ from your own. Embrace the opportunity to learn and grow.

Challenge your preconceived notions and ask questions. Step outside your bubble and see the world through new eyes. This broader perspective is the most valuable souvenir you can bring back. It will make you a more understanding, compassionate, and well-rounded human being.

Making Memories, Not Moments

Travel isn’t about ticking destinations off a list and collecting flawless Instagram snaps. It’s about creating lasting memories, forging connections, and collecting a kaleidoscope of experiences that enrich your life.

Let go of the pressure for everything to be perfect. Don’t get bogged down by social media comparisons. Focus on immersing yourself in the present moment, on soaking up the atmosphere, and on appreciating the journey, not just the destination.

A Few “Battle-Tested” Tips for the Optimistic Traveler

  • Pack for Flexibility: Don’t overpack, but bring a few versatile pieces that can be easily mixed and matched. This allows you to adapt to unexpected situations, like a sudden change in weather.
  • Embrace Technology, But Disconnect When Needed: Stay connected for translations, maps, and communication. However, don’t be afraid to put your phone away and truly be present in the moment.
  • Learn a Few Basic Phrases: A little effort goes a long way. Knowing how to greet someone, thank them, and ask for directions in the local language can be incredibly helpful. Bonjour!
  • Be a Responsible Traveler: Respect local customs and traditions. Be mindful of your impact on the environment. Leave a positive footprint wherever you go.

The Takeaway: Embrace the Journey

Travel is a transformative experience, and the best journeys are often the ones that don’t go according to plan. It’s about embracing the unexpected, the challenges, and the moments of pure joy. By remaining open-minded, fiercely optimistic, and forever curious, you’ll collect experiences that will enrich your life and broaden your horizons for years to come.

I’m reminded of a walk I took years ago were my mind drifted off thinking about the shoes I was wearing – and all of the places those shoes had taken me: Old Shoes, Talking Shoes

Fueling Your Wanderlust: Inspiration for the Open-Minded Traveler

Here are a few ideas to inspire your next adventure and embrace the “good travel, still good travel” philosophy:

  • The Themed Challenge: Pick a theme and build your trip around it. It could be street food exploration, street photography in a neighborhood you’ve never been, learning a new skill in every city, or volunteering your time with local NGOs. This gives your trip structure while leaving room for serendipitous discoveries.
  • The Local Immersion: Ditch the tourist traps and seek out authentic experiences. Stay in local homestays, take cooking classes with families, and visit lesser-known cultural sites. Avoid the well-known ones.
  • The Slow Travel Movement: Forget the whirlwind tours and embrace the slow travel philosophy. Pick a single location and spend a week or more truly getting to know it. Connect with the locals, delve deeper into the culture, and appreciate the nuances of the place.
  • The Off-the-Beaten-Path Adventure: Venture beyond the usual tourist destinations. Explore hidden gems, quirky towns, and regions often overlooked by mainstream travelers. You’ll discover unique cultures, untouched landscapes, and a sense of adventure unmatched by popular tourist spots.

Remember, travel isn’t about achieving perfection, it’s about embracing the adventure. So, pack your bags, unleash your inner optimist, and get ready to collect a lifetime of stories, not just souvenirs. The world awaits, with all its imperfections and unexpected delights. And travel while you can – it’s a gift that can fade more quickly than you might expect as aging makes travel increasingly difficult.

Bonus Tip: Consider starting a travel journal (physical or digital) to document your experiences, both the good and the unexpected. This allows you to reflect on your journey, capture fleeting moments, and appreciate the growth and perspective you’ve gained along the way. A digital journal also allows you to quickly and easily capture photos along with your thoughts. Highly recommended!