Cooking Scott's Kitchen

Scott’s Kitchen is Back!

For many years I kept a personal web site at for various recipes I made – and other cooking related stuff. Over the last several years it has fallen into disrepair as I neglected it in favor of other things in my life.

During the last few days I’ve breathed new life back into it – moving it to a new home on WordPress, selecting a new theme design to make it look better, and updating many of the original recipes with various tweaks. I also created a new “SK” favicon for the site that will show up to identify the site in browser tabs.

I’m looking forward to getting back into sharing more of my learnings about all things cooking related on Scott’ – and I welcome new ideas about how to make it better!

Be sure to checkout the all-time most viewed recipe from Scott’s Kitchen (it’s from 2005!): Scott’s ‘Lazy-S’ Easy Oven-Roasted Tri-Tips