Journaling Kindle

Journaling Tools

Len Edgerly has published a new video about his enjoyment using a Kindle Scribe for his daily journaling practice.

The Scribe was introduced by Amazon in November 2022 and offers the ability to capture writing/drawing on a large screen tablet. It’s a device that I’ve resisted purchasing – but Len’s been a big fan of the Scribe and he’s been using it daily as the capture device for his journaling practice.

In his video he shares how he uses the Scribe to capture his handwriting, filing the daily entries in multiple cloud services and printing the pages out for filing in a large 3-ring notebook. His 2023 journal notebook is chock full!

If you’re an active journal’er or interested in starting a journal for 2024, you’ll find Len’s advice on the Scribe helpful. There are multiple approaches possible for journaling including paper journals and various apps for the iPhone/iPad such as Goodnotes (similar in concept to what the Scribe offers for capturing handwriting) or Day One (an all-round journaling app which was acquired by Automattic in mid-2021). Apple also recently introduced the Journal app on the iPhone which provides some basic journaling functionality.

Speaking of Automattic, CEO Matt Mullenweg has his 40th birthday coming up soon – best wishes to Matt for a happy 40th!