Current Affairs Frustrations

Deeply Disappointing!

Earlier today, I was struck (and briefly posted to Twitter about) the juxtaposition between Peggy Noonan’s article about the Marines doing things right regarding their investigation and subsequent actions taken following last December’s F-18 crash in San Diego and yesterday’s Senate Banking Committee hearing at which Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Donald Kohn declined to identify the AIG counter-parties who benefited from the Federal government’s bailout of AIG.

In a Senate Banking Committee hearing in Washington on Thursday, Fed Vice Chairman Donald Kohn declined to identify AIG’s trading partners. He said doing so would make people wary of doing business with AIG.

Frankly, who cares – at this point – about whether anyone is “wary of doing business with AIG”?

After getting so agitated about it, I used the Fed’s website to send an email message to the Board – I suspect my email is just one of thousands they’re receiving and, unfortunately, likely mostly not reading.

Anyway, tonight’s Wall St. Journal headline from tomorrow’s edition “Top U.S., European Banks Got $50 Billion in AIG Aid” just confirms my worst fears.

This is nonsense. Sheer nonsense. Come on, Mr. Kohn, let the sun shine in!

Business Current Affairs


Nothing quite focuses the mind as hearing about the current state of affairs in the automobile industry – specifically, about how sales for both GM and Ford declined about 50% during February. Even Toyota saw sales decline 40%.

“The economic and competitive environment remains challenging,” Ford sales executive Ken Czubay said in prepared comments.

Challenging? Who’s he kidding? Look out below!

Business Current Affairs Living Twitter

Listening to Our Hunches – and Acting on Them

Titled “The Crisis The Gurus Punted“, David Ignatius’ column for tomorrow’s Washington Post begins:

The big mistakes we make in life aren’t the ones that sneak up on us, but those we make with our eyes wide open.

He goes on to note that today’s financial crisis isn’t a surprise – smart people have been warning us for years about what might be coming. But, we didn’t act – we didn’t follow our hunches. Ignatius urges Summers and Geithner to act – this time.

Serendipitously, someone happened to Twitter this morning about the talk Evan Williams gave recently at TED – which is really all about learning to following your hunch.

Earlier this morning, Berkshire Hathaway released this year’s Chairman’s Letter from Warren Buffett in which he reminds us of his dire warnings about derivatives – published six years ago.

No easy answers, of course – but the failure to take decisive action, to heed and act on our own hunches, is something we all need to get better at!

Current Affairs

The Obama Budget

Looking for some weekend reading?

Try the newly proposed Obama budget – titled “A New Era of Responsbility‘.

The time has come to usher in a new era – a new era of responsibility in which we act not only to save and create new jobs, but also to lay a new foundation of growth upon which we can renew the promise of America.

As I said, give it a read and form your own opinions.

Current Affairs Living


Walking back from lunch today, I came across this collection of shoes at the Menlo Park Caltrain station. A commentary on the times?


Current Affairs Living

Self-Fulfilling Prophecies and the Audacity of Hope

Sometime back in the mid-1970’s, I attended the 10-week class at IBM’s Systems Research Institute in New York City. SRI was a special treat – an opportunity to step away from the day job and immerse yourself in a bunch of courses taught by some great teachers.

One of those courses that I still remember was the Personal Development course taught by one of those special instructors – as I recall his name was Frank Smith. The course syllabus was a real treat – wish I could find a copy somewhere.

Books Business Current Affairs

More on Joe Nocera and the Lords of Finance

One of my all-time favorite business writers is Joe Nocera. Here’s been at the New York Times for since 2005 – writing a weekly column on Saturdays titled “Talking Business” that’s always a joy to read. He often uses his Executive Suite blog to extend the discussion from his column and to gather reader comments. I last wrote about Joe while reading his most recent book last summer.

Business Current Affairs Payments

The Pressures on US Consumers from their Credit Card Debt

Most economic pundits seem to agree that the US consumer has reigned in spending in the face of the economic uncertainty we’re all experiencing. In addition to consumers slowing their spending, their actual ability to spend is being impacted in other ways – for example, by having to pay more in interest payments to their credit card issuers.

Current Affairs

Our Small-Minded Congresspeople

Love that phrase – it’s so appropriate isn’t it: “our small-minded Congresspeople“.

Comes from Roger Ehrenberg’s Information Arbitrage post tonight – “YOU, the U.S. Taxpayer, Can’t Handle the Truth“.

Ehrenberg is predicting that the upcoming Geithner plan for dealing with the banks will ultimately fail – because it’ll end up being too complicated.

He concludes by saying that we aren’t the problem – it’s those folks in Congress who don’t get it:

Reality is, we [you and I] can handle the truth: it’s he [Rep. Brad Miller, a Democrat from North Carolina] and his scared-out-of-their-minds Congresspeople that can’t handle the truth. We need some different people making the big decisions. They appear too big and too important for our small-minded Congresspeople to make.

I’ve lately been thinking what we need re: Congress is, among other things, an age limitation on service. Unfortunately, term limits have been a non-starter at the Federal level – unlike here in California (not that it’s mattered!). Getting some of the old “gentlemen/gentlewomen” to move on just might help bring a new reality to the place.

Too bad that Brad Miller’s a relative youngster – born in 1953. On the other hand, my age limitation would (even at age 65!) probably work wonders in the Senate! Goodbye McCain! And, of course, Goodbye Reid!

What’s your hurry? Here’s your hat!

[Update: Further evidence from NBC’s Chuck Todd.]

Obama never should have allowed his first major piece of legislation to be written largely by a man elected to Congress when the president was only 8 years old. I’m referring to House Appropriations Chair David Obey.

I’ve noted many times here and in “First Read” the stunning lack of change inside the leadership of the House Democratic caucus. The roster of current committee chairs is not exactly a profile of change Obama outlined during the campaign.

Some day the public might actually revolt against the undemocratic system of seniority that allows Congress to keep the old ways of Washington engrained into the culture of Congress.

Current Affairs

The American Gift Card

[Update: Be sure to read Dan Newman’s comment to this post! Dan was the author of the op-end and has his own blog here.]

The American Gift CardSmall business owner Dan Newman writes an op-ed in today’s Washington Post advocating that the government issue gift cards to help stimulate the economy.

Unlike the earlier stimulus checks, Newman’s proposed American Gift Card couldn’t be deposited into your bank account and saved – you’d only have the option of spending it.

By sending every taxpayer a $2,000 debit card, the government stimulates spending directly. The card doesn’t get deposited with a bank, a step that greatly reduced the use of last year’s rebate checks for new spending, and with a defined expiration time, perhaps a year, the program could help precisely while other programs get underway.

The American Gift Card could bear a picture of Lady Liberty, since it may be used for whatever taxpayers wish: smarter clothes, dinners out, a weekend away, a new heater. And as gift cards tend to be used in person, they are of particular interest to local businesses.

A nice, creative idea!

The Feds could time the release of the gift cards – a Presidents’ Day gift card, Memorial Day gift card, Labor Day gift card, generic Winter Holiday gift card, and even one on your birthday! This idea has legs!