AI Leadership

The Power of Two

I recently watched and thoroughly enjoyed Harry Stebbings’ interview with OpenAI’s Sam Altman (CEO) and Brad Lightcap (COO). In addition to gaining new insights into OpenAI’s evolution, their conversation covered a wide range of topics regarding the future of AI and its implications for society and new ventures.

One of the most fascinating aspects was the dynamic between Altman and Lightcap — hearing them discuss their respective strengths, weaknesses, and how those translate into their roles at OpenAI. It’s uncommon to witness a dual interview like this, with two colleagues who have clearly worked together for years and have complete confidence and trust in each other’s judgment and insights.

Throughout my involvement with various small companies, I wish I could have experienced such a powerful duo! In my experience, it’s not uncommon for the CEO to dominate the senior management team’s dynamics. While this sometimes works well, I’ve also seen it lead to reduced performance or frustration among senior managers due to the CEO’s actions.

Altman and Lightcap (and OpenAI by extension) appear to have a much more synergistic working relationship — effectively amounting to a co-equal division of responsibilities. I highly recommend watching this conversation for anyone involved in a startup aiming to scale quickly and effectively! Congratulations to Harry Stebbings for his hosting this excellent conversation with two key individuals leading the evolution of AI!

AI Writing

Using AI to Help Write

I’ve been observing the evolution of AI-based tools from a distance. I’m not very experienced with using these tools myself, but I thought I’d share some of my excursions into this fascinating domain of AI-assisted or generative AI tools.

One of the text-based AI tools is GPT-3 from OpenAI. Late last year, OpenAI opened up a playground where one can experiment with using GPT-3 to assist with text – helping create text, edit text, summarize text, and more. One of the illustration AI tools is called DALL-E and it’s also provided by OpenAI. I’ve been experimenting and learning with both of these tools.

Here’s an example of using GPT-3 to help write. This morning I happened to see a tweet where the author was talking about an article he’d pulled together about how writers should focus more on niches – it’s titled 7 Simple Ways to Niche Down. It’s a good article worth reading. As I was reading it, I began wondering how GPT-3 might help with writing an article on this subject – so I asked it:

write an article about how to niche down your writing

Here’s what I got back from GPT-3 just using the default settings:

If you’re a writer, chances are you wear many hats. You’re a wordsmith, a storyteller, and a communicator. But in order to be a successful writer, you need to be able to niche down your writing.

Niche writing is a specific type of writing that appeals to a specific audience. It’s about writing for a particular market or genre, and it requires you to know your audience inside and out.

The first step to niching down your writing is to identify your target audience. Who are you writing for? What are their needs and wants? What do they like to read?

Once you know your audience, you can start to focus your writing. What topics will appeal to them? What type of writing will they respond to?

If you’re not sure where to start, consider writing guest posts for blogs or magazines that your target audience reads. This is a great way to get your name and your work in front of them.

Another option is to create a blog or website of your own and focus on writing articles, tips, or tutorials that will help your target audience. This will not only help you attract readers, but it will also show them that you’re an expert in your field.

Finally, don’t forget to promote your work! Make sure your target audience knows about your writing by sharing it on social media, submitting it to directories or list-serves, or even just telling people about it in person.

Niche writing can be a great way to build a successful writing career. By targeting a specific audience, you can become known as an expert in your field and attract a loyal following of readers. So if you’re ready to niche down your writing, start by identifying your target audience and then focus your writing to appeal to them.

Not bad. I had a subject and was looking for help putting together an article on the subject. I did minimal work but left with the bones I might consider fleshing out if I actually wanted to write an article on that subject. I also asked GPT-3 to help me clean up the opening paragraph above – which it rewrote for me.

To add to this post, I wanted an illustration that captured a writing theme so I asked DALL-E to generate one for me – asking it to generate:

an Edward hopper painting showing a writer at work in front of an old typewriter

That’s the image you see above.

The power of this kind of AI-based technology is mind-blowing to a layman like me. And its capabilities seem to be accelerating rapidly. I’ve got so much more to learn – and I’ve having fun just beginning to wade in. If you’re doing any experimentation similar to this, let me know what you’re learning!