Apple San Francisco/California

Macintosh – Built in Fremont

The San Jose Mercury News on Friday ran a story from 1984 about the then upcoming Macintosh introduction. I found the final comment in the article a real sign of the times:

Macs will be made in Apple’s new automated factory in Fremont, which sources said cost $20 million and can turn out a machine every 27 seconds.

Ah, yes — we actually used to build things in the Bay Area twenty years ago!

Apple Web/Tech

Macs, RiskWise, and New Markets

Mark Hall comments in ComputerWorld about Apple’s entry into new markets. [Tnx: Chris Gulker]

Of note, RiskWise, a major player in risk management, uses more than 250 Apple Xserve servers to power their services — because they provide a cheaper total cost of ownership that Windows-based servers.

I switched from a Sony Vaio Windows XP laptop to one of Apple’s new 15-inch aluminum PowerBooks a few months back. Cost of ownership wasn’t the issue for me. A strong desire to stop wasting my time playing system administrator, fighting viruses, etc. were all prime motivations — along with the simple elegance of the PowerBook platform and Mac OS X. Color me very satisfied – and I don’t even own an iPod yet!


Home on iPod

SpyMac reports on a rumored new feature expected soon in Mac OS X: Home on iPod. This feature would allow you to carry the contents of your home directory on your iPod — along with all of your digital music. It would re-sync automatically back to your home machine’s home directory when “docked”. Very cool.