Blogs/Weblogs Weblogs

Google Sitemaps for TypePad Pro

I was pulling my hair out last night trying to get a template for creating a Google Sitemap in TypePad for use with our Payments News blog. Unfortunately, the ones that have been posted for Movable Type are subtly incompatible with date formatting in TypePad. As a result, they return errors when published.

Frankly, it’s simply beyond me to understand why neither TypePad nor Google document how to do this (for TypePad Pro users) in either of their online help or FAQ material! Maybe this post will result in one or both of them posting these details – so that others can find these details much more quickly!

Below is the template I ended up using for Payments News. Using it requires a TypePad Pro subscription and a weblog setup for Advanced Templates. You create a new index template – I used the name Google Sitemap and the output file name sitemap.xml. Each time the blog is updated, this template updates the output file. In my blog posting program (MarsEdit), I’ve added a ping to Google to tell it that there’s an updated version of the sitemap.xml file available.

This template is intended to output URL’s for the base Payments News blog, the last 365 days of postings to the blog (for some reason, TypePad actually outputs a lot more posts over a longer period than just 365 days – and trying to use lastn=9999 or some such results in outputting a lot less than 9999 posts), the category archive pages, the monthly archive pages, and the weekly archive pages.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/xsl/gss.xsl"?>
<urlset xmlns=""

<loc><$MTBlogURL encode_xml="1"$></loc>
<MTEntries lastn="1">
<lastmod><$MTEntryDateModified timezone="UTC" format_name="W3CDTF"$></lastmod>

<MTEntries days="1000">
<loc><$MTEntryPermalink encode_xml="1"$></loc>
<lastmod><$MTEntryDateModified timezone="UTC" format_name="W3CDTF"$></lastmod>

<MTArchiveList archive_type="Category">
<loc><$MTArchiveLink encode_xml="1"$></loc>

<MTArchiveList archive_type="Monthly">
<loc><$MTArchiveLink encode_xml="1"$></loc>

<MTArchiveList archive_type="Weekly">
<loc><$MTArchiveLink encode_xml="1"$></loc>


4 replies on “Google Sitemaps for TypePad Pro”

I’m having a similar nightmare with TypePad and Google Sitemaps.
When I decided I wanted to add a blogging facility to I took the bold step of moving the whole site to TypePad. My reason was that I wanted to cash in on my existing search engine rankings. I didn’t want to put the blog out there on a subdomain such as
I used domain mapping to the root rather than, and uploaded the html pages of the existing site.
So I achieved my goal of having the blog set up in a sub folder at
Now my google sitemap nightmare begins. TypePad’s sitemap functionality hasn’t a clue that all my other pages exist. It only knows about the blog elements of the site, even though it is all hosted on their server.
Everytime I post it updates the sitemap, but excludes my well ranked existing pages.
Any ideas of a fix?

Thank you! This works wonderfully.
I initially got error messages when I tried to publish it but after I figured out I needed to enable the weekly archiving function, it published and works like a charm.
One of my sites dropped entirely off Google because of TypePad’s messed up sitemap implementation, so this is extremely valuable.

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