
Apple Upsurge? Tim O’Reilly notes

Apple Upsurge?

Tim O’Reilly notes that Apple iBooks are now the most common laptop seen at the O’Reilly Conferences. I’ve been noticing how Unix/Java developers are rapidly adopting Macs running Apple’s OS X as their development platform. Apparently the combination of the Macintosh interface with a full fledged Unix platform is “very cool” for developers.

I was speaking with another friend on Friday who told me about a group of developers he knew who had to change locations as part of a new assignment. They were running Apple Titanium laptops with OS X and also had Sun desktop machines. They left behind the Sun desktops when they moved to their new locations — the Apple laptops were all they needed!

I’ve also noticed a lot of “Radio Userland” activity by Mac users. Don’t know what the actual statistics are, but it sure seems like more than 5% of the Radio users are Mac-based. (5% is Apple’s usual market share.)

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